OpFlow Sustainment Model

Most, if not all, hospitals have embarked on a project with the goal of improving instrument tray configurations. There are 3 common aspects of that process that will resonate with anyone who has participated in that initiative:

  1. It is labor-intensive, both in terms of time and personnel

  2. Rather than data-driven, it is primarily anecdotal and based on recollection

  3. Inevitably, there is ‘creep’ of removed instruments back on to the instrument tray

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OpFlow addresses the first two issues through rapid, real-time data collection in a digital format. Actual instrument usage, stratified by surgeon, specialty, procedure, and service line enables an analytics-driven decision-making process based on lean methodology. The power to invoke change that meaningful is dependent on high-quality and accessible data.

A key differentiating feature of the OpFlow software service is our sustainment model. We recognize that the value achieved with our process is only retained if instrument tray configurations are prevented from gradually reverting back to their prior state.

Sustainment of that value is achieved through a quarterly audit process. At the discretion of the hospital, instrument usage data can again be rapidly collected to ensure that the rationalized tray configuration has remained intact. This also confirms ongoing instrument tray accuracy as surgical preferences evolve and new surgeons are on-boarded.

With our sustainment model, OpFlow ensures meaningful and perpetual improvement.
